Water Atomisation

ASL’s  large water atomisers  each have a melt size of 750kg

Water atomisers with 2500t per annum capacity


Our 2 large water atomisers  each have a melt size of 750kg and are capable of producing  powders with D50’s  <10µm to >500µm.  These water atomisers are producing  a range of powders for PM, filter application and other industry sectors


Water Atomiser 30kg batch


Our versatile water atomising system produces powder for Dental, precious metal and specialised trial production lots


Atomising Systems Ltd., 371 Coleford Road, Sheffield, S9  5NF, England

Tel +44 114 2626200  Fax +44 114 2626201  info@atomising.co.uk

Company No 2731401 Incorporated in England    VAT No GB 600 1033 29

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