Gas Atomisation

Our gas atomiser equipped with ASL’s Anti–satellite system

Gas Atomiser 600t per annum capacity from less than 10 µm  to particles up to 250 µm. The powders are used in many diverse fields including brazing, thermal spray and laser sintering.


Our gas atomiser equipped  with  ASL’s Anti –satellite system and Hot Gas technology allows the production of free flowing high quality gas atomised powders. The system is producing  powders with median particle sizes from less than 10 microns to particles up to 250 microns.


Gas  Atomiser 30kg batch


A versatile small scale gas atomising system allows us to produce many alloys from solar alloys, precious metal and specialised trial  production lots

Atomising Systems Ltd., 371 Coleford Road, Sheffield, S9  5NF, England

Tel +44 114 2626200  Fax +44 114 2626201

Company No 2731401 Incorporated in England    VAT No GB 600 1033 29

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